
University of Białystok was opened on June 19, 1997. The University was established as a result of a transformation of the Branch of the University of Warsaw in Białystok after 29 years of its existence. Among other things, the University owes its unquestionable position in the country to the fact it was established by University of Warsaw – the biggest Polish University, recognised world-wide.
13,095 students have graduated from University of Białystok. At present 15,034 students study at regular daily, extramural, evening, licensee, as well as external and postgraduate studies at the University.
Following the principles of partnership and mutual support the University develops research connected with the subject of borderland, co-operates with scientific institutions of Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, and, within European research programmes, fulfils common undertakings with western partners, such as: France, Germany, United Kingdom, United States of America and the Netherlands.